112.5 FrameWork

The idea of reenactment is formalized in the Humatic Re-Performance: Unique recording setups intent to break the line between digital, "flat" videos as form as documenting performative actions. Manipulated frames that the performer integrates into his performance redefine body in space, sound and image get manipulated or transformed into other media. The number in the title refers to metrum when beats and frames are in perfect (mirco) sync.
2k / 4K video, stereo |loop min:sec 24:21 | 2023 - now
acrobatic performers: Kaodi Alum & Donna Mitchell
concept & realisation: HUMATIC / Graupner
soundtrack: VOOV, multi-chan. available
2k / 4K video, stereo |loop min:sec 24:21 | 2023 - now
acrobatic performers: Kaodi Alum & Donna Mitchell
concept & realisation: HUMATIC / Graupner
soundtrack: VOOV, multi-chan. available