© ℗ ® Tracklists | Background | Copyrights
Distribution of our most popular ambient release to date, RAIN on BANANA LEAVES by VOOV, has unfortunately been declined by iTunes and Apple Music. Thank you many yoga studios, meditators, sauna owners and lovers for using the alternative stores and platforms for streaming and downloading. The music tracks were recorded and composed in our beloved Covid - Asylum Taiwan in 2020. Also affected by the Apple ban is the release "Wind at Bamboo Forest".
VOOV - Rain on Banana Leaves
VOOV - Wind at Bamboo Forest
WonderTune BOOMlab ft. sOOt : My Freedom Is HUM34
sOOt is kicking the can + VOOV is fuming : Krachgedichte zum Zeitgeschehen
UPC/EAN UPC/EAN 5063654091713
Title / Isrc
My Freedom Is / DEXZ92400735
Bombeat XXIV / DEXZ92400736
Freedom Is / DEXZ92400737
Freedom Bomb / DEXZ92400738
BOOOM ops: Up With Time BOOOST …. AV 121 BPM HUM34
UPC/EAN 5063413554909 GBLFP2404922
A resignative encouragement not to take life too easy and accept the challenges, even if you don‘t end up being first? Or a rather dark number about death, delivered unfiltered and with so much intimacy that it almost loses some of its gruesomeness?
Or is it simply an expression of the arrogant assumption that you can tell others to keep up, but they never will, because you‘re already there, already gone? "UP with TIME“ is not easy to decipher and doesn‘t even want to be – another true work of the BOOOM operators!
video credits :BOOOM operators: UP with TIME ft sOOt & VOOV
visuals: HUMATIC UP with TIME
video performer: Donna Mitchell
[snippet from 112-5 FrameWork Installation]
ad guitars & co prod: SCHWARZ also known as Andreas Schwarz-Ruszczynski
ISRC DEXZ92290732 (AV)
WonderTune BOOMlab ft. sOOt : Make Me Love You HUM33
UPC / EAN 5063161667555 Make Me Love Youby WonderTune BOOMlab (feat. sOOt) IRSC DEXZ92300228
(AV) Video by HUMATIC w. Donna Mitchell (performance)
fr. FrameWork112_5 AV installation
UPC/EAN 5063161667555DEXZ92390228
The Poppy Seed by WonderTune BOOMlab IRSC DEXZ92300230
Sounds like guitar music. And it is. Only here, the Berlin producer team WT BOOMlab has taken one apart and reassembled it after their own fashion. Without any AI, by the way! The result grooves like chopped chopped bananas and sOOt's vocals take care of the rest. Make Me Love Me, Bitterly Wicked Love Balade or just an unpretentious mood piece on a February afternoon in August? By the way: something’s wrong with the included videos too.
Make Me Love You ... by WTBL feat. sOOt
The Poppy Seed (Visualizer)
WonderTune BOOMlab - Make Me Love You
BOOOM ops: Up With Time …. AV 121 BPM HUM32
DEXZ92200732 DEXZ92290732 (AV) UPC/EAN 5063072717547
A resignative encouragement not to take life too easy and accept the challenges, even if you don‘t end up being first? Or a rather dark number about death, delivered unfiltered and with so much intimacy that it almost loses some of its gruesomeness?
Or is it simply an expression of the arrogant assumption that you can tell others to keep up, but they never will, because you‘re already there, already gone? "UP with TIME“ is not easy to decipher and doesn‘t even want to be – another true work of the BOOOM operators!
video credits :BOOOM operators: UP with TIME ft sOOt & VOOV
visuals: HUMATIC UP with TIME
video performer: Donna Mitchell
[snippet from 112-5 FrameWork Installation]
ad guitars & co prod: SCHWARZ also known as Andreas Schwarz-Ruszczynski
ISRC DEXZ92290732 (AV)
UPC/EAN 506307271754
BOOOM operators: Some Thing Mad HUM31
03:21 min:sec / DEXZ92200731 HUMATIC ® LC 91527
EAN 5063072102701 created by VOOV, sOOt
& the unforgotten Achim “the BOOOM” Mennicken
Guitars : SCHWARZ ( Flageoletts)
& Matthias Farclas (crushed)
Some Thing Mad [wide screen version]
SOME THING MAD: Social Experiments aren’t always a success story - no reason to give up, though! But if in the guise of collective renewal, pure and unadulterated megalomania rears its brutal head, anger is an acceptable reaction. In this furious version of their new track, the BOOOM operators express their disappointment in the face of a failed experiment...
BOOOM operators: What I Left Behind HUM30
BOOOM operators take stock and come to a mixed conclusion: Did everything right, but it would be nice to be able to undo this and/or that Punchy Avant Pop, looking ahead - not without a glance in the rearview mirror.
Tempo: 85 BPM / mph (1 & 2) What left behind bOOOsted by Alexander Hacke DEXZ92200723 DEXZ92201723
written & performed by sOOt & VOOV hÄK was involved to boost the base video by Humatic with sOOt and Michael Buech ( Drone-Cam) at Airview Media
What I Left Behind (Instant Cut) ( AV) ISRC DEXZ92291723 https://ditto.fm/what-i-left-behind
(3) Plane In My Eye
Video: Mirko Borscht
Music: BOOOM operators ft. sOOt & VOOV from the EP What I Left Behind
HUM 30 (AV) ISRC DEXZ92290724 Audio DEXZDEXZ92200724
The Carpet Crawlers by Mesrine (Berlin) HUM29
UPC / EAN 5059950134391
ISRC DEXZ92108801 (AV) DEXZ92198801
Background: Mesrine wakes up unexpectedly from a deep slumber and takes the opportunity to release the song on Humatic, the label launched by VOOV, who BTW was the track's co-producer. The cover version of the Genesis song feels like warm cotton candy. Not only nostalgic people will love it. On the way to work, you'll turn up the volume of your car stereo and plan to play the song first at the next candlelight dinner. …Music that appears as a foam carpet on which the fragile Mesrine voice lands safely.
Lyrically, the song tells the section of the Genesis ’The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway’ s story whereby Rael finds himself in a red carpeted corridor surrounded by kneeling people slowly crawling towards a wooden door. Behind the door is a table with a candlelit feast on it, and a spiral staircase that leads upwards out of sight. (wikipedia)
The Carpet Crawlers (Genesis Cover) by Mesrine [Berlin]
The Carpet Crawlers / DEXZ92108801 AV-Version : DEXZ92198801…..
UPC / EAN 5059950134391 length: 3:47 4.
Copyright holders written by Genesis (Banks,Collins,Gabriel,Hackett,Rutherford )
Publishing Company: Genesis Music / Hit & Run Music 1974
Produced by Frank Tenge / VOOV Mesrine [Berlin]
Team : Elke de Boer, Henry Reinke & Horst Markgraf 5. Release
Formats. online download & streaming, vinyl on request
VOOV® : Intensive Care Unit HUM28
HUMATIC ® LC 91527 Cat Nr HU21AL02 EAN 5059950113556
Music was created in 1999 during recording sessions for the award winning radio play “ Der Absturz / The Crash” which is the authentic story of a helicopter crash survivor.
( Radioplay Director : Nikolai von Koslowski Text: Johannes Groschupf)
all tracks composed & performed by VOOV
Nr | Title | ISRC
01 Breath DEXZ92111201
02 Inflame DEXZ92111202
03 Transfusion DEXZ92111229
04 Heli DEXZ92111217
05 Copter DEXZ92111219
06 Lung DEXZ92111211
07 Cloud DEXZ92111223
08 Deep Dark DEXZ92111224
09 Doubts DEXZ92111215
10 Morning DEXZ92111235
11 Far DEXZ92111225
12 Firm DEXZ92111213
VOOV® : Music for Films & Real Life HUM27
HUMATIC ® LC 91527
EAN 5059863700393
In short : Brand new re-arrangement of various experimental film soundtracks and mind-cinema pieces including selected tracks from films such as TOTAL THERAPY & KAFKA FRGMT by Christian Frosch, the David Lynch / Blue-Velvet documentary NO FRANK IN LUMBERTON by Peter Braatz, ESCAPE TO TRANCYB by Rainer Remake, VOOV and some others.
Music for Films & Real Life //Ditto FM
Movie Info / Background
on Youtube
Music Collab:
01 The River
Total Therapy / Die Totale Therapy (1996) directed by Christian Frosch
w. Ursula Ofner, Sophie Rois, Blixa Bargeld, Lars Rudolf and more
Music Collab: Paul Browse
02 True Story
True Story is a Re-Edit of “Seasick on Solid Ground / Seekrankheit auf festem Lande” (1996) by Kristina Konrad & Christian Frosch w. Ursula Ofner, Lars Rudolf and others
AV Link: Short Film
03 Red Rubber Rob
From "No Frank in Lumberton" (1988) Artistic Blue Velvet Making Of by Peter Braatz / Harry Rag
AV Link: Orig. Movie Snippet
04 Love letter Drama
From "No Frank in Lumberton" (1988)
AV Link : Orig. Movie Snippet
Harry Rag, uses Samples from Blue Velvet (Badalamenti)
05 Speak To Me
No Frank in Lumberton (1988)
AV Link: Orig. Movie Snippet
06 Airtrack
The track has been used in the experimental movie ‘Ich sende aus dem All’, (1995), an artistic Lee Perry Documentary by Peter Braatz / Harry Rag
AV Link: Orig. Movie Excerpt
07 Trancyb Open
Escape to Trancyberia (1995) was a very early full animated video by Rainer Remake & VOOV in collaboration with various artists and the good old MFS and K7 labels
AV Link : Orig. Movie
Music Collab: feat. Stewart Dunlop & Matthew Watson
08 Hades
From Escape to Trancyberia (1995)
Music Collab: Stewart Dunlop & Matthew Watson
09 Trancyb Flow
Escape to Trancyberia (1995)
10 Artificial Creatures
can’t remember if that was ever used in a movie ;)
11 Kafka Frgm Dark
KafKa Frgmt (2001) by Christian Frosch w.Ursula Ofner, Lars Rudolf
Music Collab: Jan Tilman Schade
12 Gate to Heaven
Sketch for a soundtrack which later was realized without VOOV ;)
13 Knife Writer
KafKa Frgmt (2001) by Christian Frosch
AV Link: Visualizer
14 Kafka Tone
KafKa Frgmt (2001) by Christian Frosch
15 Distortancy Theoretics
Real Life
16 Heat MMXXI
original created in a studio session for Deutsche Welle TV
Music Collab: Krilly
Rund Funk SNAX remix HUM26
SINGLE BY WonderTune BOOMlab (feat. Snax)
https://ditto.fm/rund-funk UPC/EAN 5059580652197 November 25, 2020
Thanks to SNAX for this great work !
VOOV® : Extra Power & Enjoyment HUM25
UPC/EAN 5059580463403 September 30, 2020
Body Base III by VOOV [official]
VOOV® /Jonzon: User Mmxx HUM24
SINGLE BY VOOV (feat. Jonzon)
Uzar (Edit 2019) ISRC DEXZ92000402
User (Edit 2019) ISRC DEXZ92000401
UPC/EAN 5059580497668
September 23, 2020
UZAR (B-USER) by VOOV ft Jonzon [official & HQ]
VOOV® : After Crash HUM23
UPC/EAN 5059580335694 September 1, 2020
After Crash on Youtube https://ditto.fm/after-crash
VOOV® : Time And Space HUM22
UPC/EAN 5059580274733
August 17, 2020
1) Time and Space (MMXX Remastered) ISRC:DEXZ92011021
2) Save the Black Holes (MMXX Remastered) ISRC:DEXZ92011025
Installation by Humatic, Part I Installation by Humatic,
Part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W55m1wb5DM&t=1s
VOOV Delkom Force: Generate Eliminate HUM21
SINGLE BY VOOV (feat. Saba Komossa & Gabi Delgado)
August 5, 2020
WonderTune BOOMlab: Parrots HUM 20
video on day in Kaoshuing TW LINK TBA
FunK HUM19
WonderTune BOOMlab
FunK by WonderTune BOOMlab HQ
VOOV: Wind at Bamboo Forest HUM18
experimental ambient research - no eso !
WonderTune BOOMlab Wonderboom HUM17
Peace On Earth HUM16
BOOOM operators (feat. VOOV & sOOt)
UPC/EAN 5059435758845
June 29, 2020PEACE on EARTH [HQ]
Deutschfieber (Original Soundtrack) HUM15
UPC/EAN 5059435753185
June 25, 2020
Deutschfieber (Original Soundtrack) Complete Playlist on Youtube
The Clap HUM14
UPC/EAN 5059435697984
May 30, 2020 DEXZ91900061
The Clap on Youtube
VOOV ® : It’s Anything You Want It To Be and It’s a Gas HUM13
May 19, 2020 UPC/EAN 5059435629008 re-release by Humatic
Visualizers by Humatic w. disappeared Moritz Mattern ( 2016 2022)
https://youtu.be/xW5tG7mnLOQ https://youtu.be/5sy5kZkSmdA
smoke machine DEXZ92091001
DREAM WonderTune BOOMlab HUM12
May 8, 2020
Dream on Youtube
VOOV ® GPS GlasPerlenSpiel HUM11
May 1, 2020 HUM 11
GPS on Youtube
VOOV ® : Rain on Banana Leaves HUM10
15m:34sec video
Rain On Banana Leaves with Warm Drone ( 3D-Remaster 2022)
by Humatic hot yoga version 2022 3D sound re-mastered
label.humatic.net LC 91527
ISRC DEXZ92000082
Hunter on Youtube
WonderTune BOOMlab: PRODUCT HUM07
February 13, 2020
VOOV & GOLD: In Those Days (HUM06)
January 10, 2020 UPC/EAN 5059435100514
VOOV & sOOt : Minit with U HUM05
2019 nov 17
Minit with U -- by VOOV ft sOOt
[official HQ video]
2019 oct 21
BARNUM uncensored & re-mastered 2020
2019 sept 28
FORER by VOOV ft hÄK [official HQ video]
music by VOOV w. hÄK video by HUMATIC w.V3 & Luke BENNETT
it's a drug..... and it's anything you want it to be and it's a gas (David Lynch's answer ref. the content of Frank's Blue Velvet Inhalator ). Sound Artist VOOV recycles his popular 90th GAS track in a multichannel audiovisual work. The new piece was born in collaboration with noise-expert hÄK and the performer & video artist Veruschka Bohn. Parts of the video were shot close to Berlin in huge gas tubes belonging to the controversial discussed Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.
ISRC : DEXZ91900013
label: Humatic LC 91527
EAN /UPC 5059033644182
track 2: GAS MMXX -Soundtrack similar to Deutschfieber version
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K00uKo7UBmI https://ditto.fm/gas-mmxx
VOOV® : Naked Piano HUM01
conceptual AV work around Humatic’s kinetic installation “ Naked Piano Dancing on an Oil Tank”
Soundtrack by VOOV ft. hÄK
BOOOMops: BombEater MMXXII HUM34
VOOV® : Staked Claims in Hidden Universes HUM35
re-release album countering the uncontrolled use of the originals
incl. Inter-Fusion, VOOVland, Helium-Hi, 4U4, TimeTraveller, RiffDrive
VOOV® Album Bits N Pieces HUM36
Title / Filename = Audio ISRC plus tempo / ISRC (AV_version)
FastGlass_Frag / DEXZ92203501BnP_112_5bpm / AV DEXZ92293501
MM bit A / DEXZ92203502 / BnP_81_4bpm / AV DEXZ92293502
MM bit B / DEXZ92203503 / BnP_82bpm / AV DEXZ92293503
MM bit C / DEXZ92203504 / BnP_120bpm / AV DEXZ92293504
MM bit D / DEXZ92203505 / BnP_109_9bpm / AV DEXZ92293505
MM bit E / DEXZ92203506 / BnP_129bpm / AV DEXZ92293506
Time Traveler Slippery Slope Version / DEXZ92303512 / BnP_112.5bpm / AV DEXZ92393512
HG tracks Multimedia Bits
Art Int
Tyrell Flight
Kaohsiung Wind Kaohsiung Rain
4_44 Piano Pianeer
music for films and living rooms
music for headphones & subwoofers
sub voov