112.5 BPM HUMATIC co.llabs

Exhibition April 22 to May 13 at neurotitan Berlin. plus 112_5 Sonic Performance Series May 6-13 with Katharina Bevand, Sofia Borges, hÄK, Mieko Suzuki, Joao Pais, VOOV. Various aspects of HUMATICs collective creation come together in the comprehensive exhibition and supporting program: sound objects, music, AV installations, videos, performances, works on paper and conceptual studies. Collaborators :HUMATIC | Manfred Krüger | V3 | Norbert Schnell | Joao Pais | Nils Peters | telematique | Max Krüger | Anna Wider | Lisa Smith | Marc Alvaro Müller | Rafael Hohlfeld ... and many others. Further Info & Updates